Retreating for Spiritual Renewal

We often hear from retreat leaders about the spiritually rewarding experience they and their group had while at Harvey Cedars Bible Conference. Here is one letter:

Dear Jon and Harvey Cedars Staff,

For all the years I have visited Harvey Cedars with high school students doing retreats at your facilities, I have always felt prayed for, encouraged, and grateful for the ministry of the staff at Harvey Cedars.

So many times, the Lord met us and the Holy Spirit moved among our students and staff, and I sensed that this was because of the godliness and heart and desire of your staff wanting us to meet God and grow in Him.

I am grateful that I know of a staff and ministry that consistently seeks to serve those that come to their “home” and prays for those coming to grow in the Lord.

Thank you, Jon, and Harvey Cedars staff, for your dedication to your ministry and your passion for the Lord and building his kingdom in so many hearts.

— from the head of a Christian school in Maryland

Thinking of holding a retreat? Call us or send an email to

Learn more: Group Retreats


Howard E. Prichard Memorial Scholarship Program


Letter from the Director - Summer 2022